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Invertebrate Identification, snail and mussel surveys


Specialities include:

Groundwater dependent ecosystems (GDE)

Stygofauna & Troglofauna Identification

Authority on Syncarida (Crustacea): Anaspidacea and Bathynellacea

Groundwater Monitoring


Macroinvertebrate and Crustacea surveys


Additional services:




Expert Witness

Educational Trainings & Programmes for schools, govt. agencies, and conservation groups.




Invertebrate Identification Australasia


projects and reports:


Current: 2002 - present

Yancoal 2002 - present. Biological monitoring of the aquatic macroinvertebrates for the Duralie and Stratford Coal Mines, Stratford, NSW.



Past projects include:


Aug 2017 – Sept 2017. Conduct one day snail identification workshops for the Department of Agriculture & Water Resources, biosecurity biomonitoring sections in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth.

Targeted survey for Meridolum corneovirens. The Australian Museum Business Services. Green Valley,  Sydney, NSW.


Targeted survey for Meridolum corneovirens at Wonga Rd, Prestons. Mallesons Stephen Jaques. Sydney, NSW.


Work relating to the snail Meridolum corneovirens at the Australand site, Prestons. Liverpool City Council, Liverpool, NSW.


Targeted survey for Meridolum corneovirens at Bernera Road, Prestons, Sydney. Urban Bushland Management Consultants Pty Ltd, Kurrajong Heights, NSW.


Targeted survey for Meridolum corneovirens at 104-110 Gipps Street Claremont Meadow, Sydney. FEV Mono Pty Ltd & Kenna Real Estate, Tregear, NSW.


Targeted survey for Meridolum corneovirens corner of Erskine Park and Mamre Rd’s. Environmental Planning and Management, Sydney Water Corporation, Parramatta, NSW.


Eight part test for Meridolum corneovirens at 248 North Liverpool Road, Green Valley.  Mark Topic / Acuiti Legal, Green Valley, NSW.


Mt Druitt TAFE Meridolum corneovirens relocation and monitoring program.  Australian Museum Business Services, Sydney, NSW.


Inspection of the Blair Athol site after the recent December fires to determine the status of the population Meridolum corneovirens on site and a short report. Rose Consulting Group, Blacktown, NSW.


Targeted survey for Meridolum corneovirens at the intersection of the M5 and Moorebank Ave, and writing a brief report and eight part test. Halliburton KBR, Sydney, NSW.


Targeted survey for Meridolum corneovirens at Loyola Campus, Mt Druitt.  Australian Museum Business Services, Sydney, NSW.


Targeted survey for Meridolum corneovirens at Wonderland Site. The Australian Museum Business Services, Sydney, NSW.


Targeted survey for Meridolum corneovirens at a site of Badgally Rd, Campbelltown.  EcoSearch Environmental Consultants, Picton, NSW.


Review and comment on Meridolum corneovirens plan of management for Stage 13A Blair Athol, southern Sydney. Hayes Environmental, Bowral, NSW.


Blair Athol Cumberland Plain Snail (Meridolum corneovirens) translocation study.  Rose Consulting Group, Blacktown, NSW.


Review draft Pitt Town Local Environment Study and conduct an additional targeted survey for Meridolum corneovirens along the eastern half of the ‘Bona Vista’ property. Hills Development Corporation, Castle Hill, NSW.


Targeted survey for Meridolum corneovirens along the Regentville to Glenmore Park Transmission Line, Glenmore Park. Molino Stewart, Parramatta, NSW.


Conduct initial survey for Adams Emerald Dragonfly at the Mt Penang Site. Gunninah Consultants, Crows Nest, NSW.


Preparation of a snail Management Plan and SIS for Stage 13A for the Blair Athol site. Hayes Environmental, Bowral, NSW.


Campbelltown City Council. Field work, preparing documents for court proceedings, and expert witness testimony. Campbelltown, NSW.


Preparation of snail management plan for Mt Druitt TAFE site. The Australian Museum Business Services, Sydney, NSW.


Identification of aquatic macroinvertebrates and assessment of stream health for Bankstown Council. Bankstown City Council, Bankstown, NSW.


Targeted search for Meridolum corneovirens at the Kemps Creek site. Countrywide Ecological Services, Mt Colah, NSW.


Targeted search for Meridolum corneovirens and report, In the matter of Penrith Council vs Austral. Gadens Lawyers, Campbelltown, NSW.


Environmental Study, Erskine Park Employment Area. Biosis Research, St Leonards, Sydney, NSW. Penrith City Council, Penrith, NSW.


Preliminary survey for Meridolum corneovirens at a proposed residential development, Claremont Meadows, Penrith. Australian Museum Business Services, Sydney. Biosis, St Leonards, NSW.


Survey of Lots DP 392412 and 370456 on Bumbera Road, Prestons for the Cumberland Plain Land Snail Meridolum corneovirens. Liverpool City Council, Liverpool, NSW.


Species Impact Statement Lots 2, 3, 4 DP 27233 and 21 DP 834013 Claremont Meadows, Penrith. Biosis Research, St Leonards, Sydney. Landcom, Sydney, NSW.


Report to Storey and Gough Butterfly hill-topping at proposed subdivision, 153-165 Grosvenor Street, North Wahroonga. Storey and Gough Lawyers, Parramatta, NSW.


Olympic Construction Authority. Investigation of a proposed location for the water storage pond within the Sydney International Equestrian Development Site for the land snail Meridolum corneovirens. Australian Museum Business Services, Sydney. 














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